
Manuel de Formation pour l’Amélioration du Traitement et du Stockage des Grains Après-récolte


This manual is intended to support trainers who are helping Farmer Organisations (FOs) and their members in Sub-Saharan Africa to improve the quality of their grain. It is intended that training will help farmers to build their problem-solving and decision-making skills. This will enable them to continue to learn, to test and to assess the options relevant to their livelihoods. This training package is not intended to be prescriptive but instead is provided as a source of backstopping information. It is expected to enhance the creativity of trainers as well as being a resource for the improvement of skills in postharvest handling and storage by smallholders, by those working at the first aggregation points of grain (the Farmer Organisations) and in large warehouses. The manual is subdivided into nine sections: Section 1:  How to deliver training on past-harvest handling and storage; Section2: How to get high quality grain on farm; Section3: How to maintain good quality grain at the first collection point; Section 4: How to maintain good grain quality in a warehouse; Section 5: General Principles of Grain Quality Management; Section 6: Local grades and standards; Section 7: Insecticides approved for sue on stored grains; Section 8: Postharvest handling and storage  posters; Section 9: Annexes.

Countries: Non-country specific
Commodities: Cereals in general
Topics: Post-harvest handling and aggregation
Personal author: Rick Hodges, Tanya Stathers
Publisher: World Food Program (WFP), Natural Resources Institute (NRI) of University of Greenwich
Category: Field-based materials
Level suitability: Intermediate, Advanced
Type: Learning material
Format: Document
References: EN FR
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