Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Analysis of multistakeholder forestry processes In Indonesia

Author(s) Fahmi, E., Zakaria, R.Y., Kartodihardjo, H. & Wahono, F.
Year of publication 2003
In recent years many Multistakeholder Processes (MSP’s) have developed in Indonesia particularly as a means to establish much needed dialogue about forest policy reform involving all relevant stakeholders, from government officials to local community members. Multistakeholder Processes (MSP’s) have been seen as an innovative way to deliver much needed forest policy reform. Several donors have pursued the MSP strategy for forest policy reform in Indonesia: DFID through its Multistakeholder Forestry Programme (MFP), GTZ through Strengthening the Management Capacities in the Ministry of Forestry (SMCP) and the USAID backed Natural Resources Management Programme (NRM). This study has been tasked to research the multistakeholder approach to forest policy reform at a sub-national level, examining its impact on, and its relation to decision-making on forest resources, sustainable forest management, conservation and improvement in the life quality of communities living in or near the forest. The research is based on 5 case-studies of multistakeholder processes recently undergone in Indonesia. The purpose of the investigation is to determine in each case to what extent the conditions for a successful multistakeholder process have been fulfilled.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
INSIST and Partners
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function