Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Code of practice for timber harvesting (second edition)

The Code contains practices and sets standards, which have been developed based on ongoing research and practical experience locally and abroad over a period of eight years. The Code provides guidelines and standards that, if followed, will allow Guyana’s forests to be harvested with minimal adverse impact on the forest environment. It provides the basis for ensuring that a continuing economic return can be obtained from forests on the long term and is designed to balance commercial considerations with protection of environmental and social values. Implementation of the guidelines and standards will help ensure that important resources and values are recognised and protected during timber harvesting operations. This Code of Practice for Timber Harvesting does not cover the utilisation of non-timber forest products nor forest management for other purposes such as eco-tourism or ‘conservation concessions’. Codes for the harvest of selected non-timber species; i.e. for Kufa, Nibi and Manicole, have been developed recently. Timber harvesting operations should recognise and consider the provisions of these codes in the preparation of their management and operational plans.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Guyana Forestry Commission
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function