Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Advancing assisted natural regeneration (ANR) in Asia and the Pacific

Author(s) Dugan, C.P., Durst, P.B, Ganz, D.J & McKenzie, P.J.
Year of publication 2003
Assisted Natural Regeneration is one of the silvicultural tools employed to combat deforestation and degradation; it consists of a variation of enrichment planting which was first developed for tropical forests with poor natural regeneration. Even though the technology is based on the ecological principle of secondary forest succession, utilizes natural processes, and promotes the regeneration of indigenous species - ANR has not received the attention it deserves. Assisted natural regeneration has been well developed in the Philippines, and as a result, it is now being utilized extensively to restore former forested areas that have become degraded and covered by Imperata cylindrica grass. The same principles are also being used to address the problems of poor regeneration in logged over forests in several other Southeast Asian countries. The value of the ANR techniques is that it is easily understood by the field staff, species of best economic value and good silvicultural properties are used, and costs of production, planting and tending are kept minimal. FAO has been promoting these techniques widely in the region, through long term demonstration plots, study tours and technology transfer. This book is a compilation of papers highlighting experiences with ANR in the region. It includes selected papers dealing with the technical, environmental and social dimensions of ANR as well as papers describing country initiatives. The publication represents one element of FAO's ongoing efforts to promote more effective forest rehabilitation and restoration for the benefit of local people.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
Degraded forest
Primary Designated Function