Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Community-based commercial enterprise development for the conservation of biodiversity in Mount Emei World Heritage Site, Sichuan, China

Author(s) Nicholson, K., Xiaorong, L. & Grouwels, S.
Year of publication 2006
This document presents the final results from the Mt Emei World Heritage Site (WHS) of the Community-Based Enterprise Development (CBED) project for Conservation of Biodiversity at World Heritage Sites. The overall objective of the project in both countries was to create viable community-based enterprises that improve livelihoods while providing incentives for sustainable natural resource management around and within the two WHS. The objectives of the project were to: improve local capacity to develop and manage natural resource-based enterprises in a sustainable manner; select, in a participatory manner, the most promising products and services for potential enterprises, taking into account environmental, economic, social and technical criteria; help community members develop business plans for their selected enterprise options, including finance and business support strategies; develop partnerships for the long-term support of enterprise establishment; document the lessons learned and the best practices for sharing with other WHS and high-value biodiversity areas. The methodology this project used to plan enterprises was the market analysis and development (MA&D) approach developed by FONP at FAO. By taking into consideration not only the commercial aspects of an enterprise, but also the environmental, social and technological aspects, MA&D helps individual or collective entrepreneurs to link forest management and conservation activities directly to opportunities for income generation.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function