Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Indigenous cultures and protected areas in Central America

Author(s) Houseal, B., MacFarland, C., Archibold, G. & Chiari, A.
Year of publication 1985
The concept of the Biosphere Reserve is one of the major innovations in natural resources management, providing a framework to relate management directly to the needs of the people. Its bold goal is to promote a balanced relationship between people and their environment, and thus to serve human needs by promoting sustained, ecologically sound development. If handled imaginatively, it should provide an excellent opportunity for increasing understanding of the problems of the biosphere and of involving people, especially local people, in the conservation and management having a vital bearing on their future. The Biosphere Reserve Program has supplied a conceptual link between the movement for the establishment of national parks and protected areas, and the recognition of the lands and traditions of indigenous cultures. It provides a framework for the participation of indigenous people in the decision-making and management process affecting their lands, natural resources and development. The objectives expressed by the program reflect the need to evaluate the shortcomings of existing modern technologies and to proceed toward local, decentralized, long-term solutions to current natural resource crises. The significant progress that has been made in Central America through the attempt to apply the biosphere reserve concept demonstrates the immense importance that this program could have in the resolution of many complex land use issues involving indigenous peoples. In this article I will present three tropical forest biosphere reserve case studies.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Cultural Survival
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Conservation of biodiversity, Ecosystem services cultural or spiritual values, Protection of soil and water