Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Water shortage, deforestation and development: South Africa’s Working for Water programme

In the post-apartheid era, South Africa is experiencing a serious water supply crisis as demand increases both from rural areas and rapidly growing towns and cities. New dams and water transfer schemes are are being constructed but they are both controversial and unlikely to fully satisfy demand. Alien species of trees and plants have invaded many parts of the country taking over land from indigenous species. These alien species consume much more water than the indigenous vegetation, as well as threatening biodiversity and constituting a significant fire hazard. The Working for Water Programme, established in 1995, and working in partnership with local communities aims to clear invasive alien species and thus increase water supply. The Programme is here examined in terms of its impact on environment and the livelihoods of predominantly poor rural communities.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book sourcebook journal article…)
Land Degradation & Development
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function