Conjunto de Herramientas para la Gestión Forestal Sostenible (GFS)

Silvicultura urbana y periurbana

El objetivo del presente módulo es ayudar a los responsables de la gestión forestal, los encargados de formular las políticas y los órganos de decisión forestales, los expertos en urbanismo, los técnicos forestales urbanos, los arboristas, los propietarios privados y otras partes interesadas a evaluar, planificar y gestionar de manera sostenible los árboles y los bosques en las ciudades y sus alrededores. El módulo presenta cuestiones y problemas comunes asociados a la silvicultura urbana y periurbana y brinda estrategias y herramientas dirigidas a abordar estos problemas y gestionar de manera sostenible los recursos forestales y arbóreos de las zonas urbanas y periurbanas.

Clark, J.R., Matheny, N.P., Cross, G., & Wake, V. 1997. A model of urban forest sustainability. Journal of Arboriculture, 23, 17–30. 

Cranz, G. & Boland, M. 2004. Defining the sustainable park: a fifth model for urban parks. Landscape Journal, 23(2): 102–120. 

Day, S.D. & Dickinson, S.B., eds. 2008. Managing stormwater for urban sustainability using trees and structural soils. Blacksburg, USA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 

Dwyer, J.F., Nowak, D.J. & Noble, M.H. 2003. Sustaining urban forests. Journal of Arboriculture, 29(1), 49–55. 

FAO. 2008. WISDOM for cities: analysis of wood energy and urbanization using WISDOM methodology. Rome. 

Knuth, L. 2005. Legal and institutional aspects of urban and peri-urban forestry and greening. Rome, FAO. 

Maco, S.E. & McPherson, E.G. 2003. A practical approach to assessing structure, function, and value of street tree populations in small communities. Journal of Arboriculture, 29(2): 84–97. 

Matheny, N.P. & Clark, J.R. 2008. Municipal specialist certification study guide. Champaign, USA, International Society of Arboriculture. 

McLain, R., Poe, M., Hurley, P.T., Lecompte-Mastenbrook, J. & Emery, M.R. 2012. Producing edible landscapes in Seattle’s urban forest. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 11(2): 187–194. 

McPherson, E.G. & Simpson, J.R. 2003. Potential energy savings in buildings by an urban tree planting programme in California. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2(2): 73–86. 

New Jersey Community Forestry Program. 2013. New Jersey Shade Tree and Community Forestry Assistance Act

Ordóñez, C. & Duinker, P.N. 2010. Interpreting sustainability for urban forestsSustainability, 2(6): 1510–1522. 

Pennsylvania State University. 2008.  Planting and after care of community trees. University Park, USA, Pennsylvania State University. 

Pokorny, J., O'Brien, J., Hauer, R., Johnson, G., Albers, J., Bedker, P. & Mielke, M. 2003. Urban tree risk management: a community guide to program design and implementation. St Paul, USA, USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. 

Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. 2015. Plano director de arborização urbana da cidade do Rio de janeiro.

Prefeitura de São Paulo - Verde e Meio Ambiente. 2015. Manúal tecnico de arborização urbana.

Prefeitura Municipal de Belém & Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia. 2013. Manúal de orientaçao tecnica de arborização urbana de Belém. Guia para planejamento, implantação e manutenção da arborização em logradouros públicos.

Thompson, R., Pillsbury, N.H. & Hanna, R.J. 1994. The elements of sustainability in urban forestry. Riverside, USA, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. 

USDA Forest Service.  A guide: developing a street and park tree management plan. 

USDA Forest Service. 2003. Urban and community forestry outreach services strategies for all communities. 

Vermont Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation. 2013. Guidelines for developing urban & community forestry plans

Ward, C.D., Parker, C.M. & Shackleton, C.M. 2010. The use and appreciation of botanical gardens as urban green spaces in South Africa. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 9(1): 49–55.