Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Occupational Health and Safety in Forestry

The Occupational Health and Safety in Forestry Module is aimed at all forest workers, particularly forest managers and supervisors. It provides basic and more detailed information on the dangers to human health and safety posed by some forest activities and identifies measures that can be taken to mitigate these.

The module also provides links to relevant tools and cases.

Forest work is considered among the most hazardous in the world (UNEP, 2008). The International Labour Organization (ILO, 2011) recently recommended that both training and social dialogue be improved to break the vicious circle of low productivity, low wages and high accident rates that characterize the forest sector. Among...
This video has been produced by the Forestry Commission to complement the Arboriculture and Forestry Advisory Group (AFAG) Safety Guides.
This paper deals with the analysis of wood harvesting accidents in the period 2000–2009 in ÖBf AG, Austria’s largest forest enterprise. In total 1077 accidents were associated with wood harvesting activities. The overall accident rate amounted to 54.2 incidents per million cubic meter or 77.1 accidents per million work hours....
Report of the UNECE/FAOI Team of Specialists on Gender and Forestry. The Team of Specialists on ‘Gender and Forestry’ was established in April 2004 by a decision of the former FAO/ECE/ILO Joint Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training. The objective was to raise visibility of women and women’s involvement...
Proceedings of the Seminar "Women and Forestry"held in Viseu, Portugal from 2 to 6 april 2001. Organized by the Government of Portugal and under the auspices of the Joint FAO/ECE/ILO Committee on Forest Technology, Management and Training in cooperation with IUFRO. Participants from 23 countries attended the seminar. The main objective...
The parastatal Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) was formed from the Industrial Plantations Division of the Zambia Forest Department with the help of a World Bank loan in 1982. Based heavily on plantations, ZAFFICO was established to help meet the increasing demand for timber in Zambia and to...
This article reflects insights gained and summarizes information obtained from discussions with representatives of the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Manpower and the Association of Indonesian Forest Concession Holders. Discussions took place during visits to training institutions, during the observation of the principal activities in Indonesian forest concession areas...
The aims of this research were to verify previous studies and to extend the analysis on how tree planting work affects workers health. To do this, objective serial sampling was carried out of several physiological and biochemical parameters indicative of stress and breakdown in the worker. The investigation focused on: comparing...
Wood production and exportation has long been a Chilean tradition. With sustained forestry growth over the past two decades, in 1990 Chile had an output of nearly 12 million m3 of wood, 90 percent of which was from Pinus radiata plantations. This has led to a corresponding rise in employment,...
Article from Unasylva 44(172):19-24. Use of an Accident Reporting Scheme (ARS) to identify aspects of the logging operation that need investigation to reduce accident frequency and severity. Objective risks for various logging tasks, injury sites and felling and trimming situations are compared with loggers' subjective assessments of risk. Internationally, the...
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