Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils


Ce module est destiné aux aménagistes des forêts et des terres qui souhaitent contribuer aux stratégies nationales ou tirer parti de la REDD+ et de ses éventuelles synergies avec la GDF. Il est conseillé de lire ce module en même temps que les modules Réduire la déforestation et Réduire la dégradation des forêts.

Angelsen, A. (ed.) 2008. Moving ahead with REDD: Issues, options and implications. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Blaser & Thompson. 2010. CPF-Summary Paper on Sustainable Forest Management. Discussion paper to the attention of meeting of the COF, New York, April 2010.

Bruce, J. 2012. Identifying and working with beneficiaries when rights are unclear:  insights for REDD+ initiatives. PROFOR. Washington DC.

CBD & GIZ. 2009. Biodiversity and Livelihoods: REDD+ Benefits.

Chandrasekharan Behr, D. 2012. Making benefit sharing arrangements work for forest-dependent communities: overview of insights for REDD+ initiatives. PROFOR. Washington DC.

Dyngeland, C. & Waized, B. 2013. Views and preferences for compensation under REDD+ in Tanzania: Kilosa pilot project case study. IIED, London.

IIED. 2009. The costs of REDD: lessons from Amazonas. IIED Briefing.

Sanz, Penman. 2015. REDD+, and overview where we are in 2015. Unasylva.

WWF. 2014. Mapping UNFCCC REDD+: a visual guide to the systems and structures supporting REDD+ within the UNFCCC