Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Vegetation Fire Management

Welcome to the Vegetation Fire Management Module. This module is intended for forest and other land managers aiming to reduce the negative impacts of vegetation fires, such as through fire prevention, preparedness and suppression and the rehabilitation of fire-affected areas.

The module provides basic and more detailed information on fire management, as well as links to fire management tools and case studies of effective vegetation fire management.

Description of the mosaic landscape at the Kranshoek Valley viewpoint focused on the impact of fire, aspect and rainfall on the vegetation dominance within the valley and plateau. The description also discusses fire dynamics and fire return intervals in the valley and the broader region.
Description of the pioneer species establishment following a fire in the Afrotemperate Forest in the Southern Cape forest region of South Africa. The description includes a detailed look at establishment strategies, species, growth and forest succession dynamics.
Traditional ecological knowledge is being used in powerful combination with Western science to enhance the biodiversity and cultural values of wetlands in Kakadu National Park in Australia's Northern Territory. As part of the northern Australian Burning for Biodiversity project, we are working with the Bushfire CRC and a family of traditional...
Duncan McCue explains how the Martu people of Australia have long used controlled burns to help with hunting, a practice that also helps the environment. This story was produced with the support of the Bill Lane Centre for American West.
Burning off: fire law
22 September 2016
This video explains very well the logic behind Aboriginal burning practices. Aboriginal people throughout Australia intelligently used fire for thousands of years to regenerate the plants and soils, and keep the land and water clean. Contrary to popular opinion, they actively care for their land using "Firestick Farming", using a patchwork...
Fire is Mother Nature’s original form of management. When used carefully, it can help land managers control a variety of different habitats. This week, we’re in Alabama burning a mid-rotation pine stand to not only help the pines, but also improve the turkey hunting with the season just opening up. The...
A short excerpt showcasing Australia's Western Arnhem Land Fire Abatement (WALFA) project from the UNU documentary "Land Use and Adaptation - Traditional Knowledge and Climate Science".
Managing the Family Forest in Mississippi is a video lecture series designed to be a primer on forest management for private landowners. Each of the 13 stand-alone videos address a topic from the Managing the Family Forest in Mississippi book, which can be downloaded at Viewers are encouraged to...
In some forest, controlled fire can be used in order to facilitate the regeneration of forests. In this case, the logging residue and the humus layer of a regenerative felling site may be burned. But this require high caution. The technique is well explained in this video.
This book presents the new community-based approach to fire management in Burkina Faso. It is addressed to policy-makers and practitioners in different sectors of rural development. Fire management on rural lands consists of a set of techniques, activities and arrangements that are planned and implemented in a participatory and concerted...
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