Gestion Durable des Forêts (GDF) Boîte à outils

Sustainable Forest Management Toolbox Survey 2017. The results are out!


In March 2017, Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox users were invited to participate in an online survey designed to measure what they know about the platform and to evaluate their experience of using it. The results have been used to improve the platform design, as well as its features, usability and content. The survey results were extremely helpful for evaluating the work done so far and for planning how best to move forward with future changes to the SFM Toolbox, which will include expanding the user base and encouraging more use of the Toolbox itself.

The survey was sent to a selected mailing list, and was closed on April 30th. This report offers a summary of the results. Note that some questions had open-ended answer options, which required an intermediate step to categorize and cluster them into new options (or to add them to existing options where they fit).

The questions are presented according to their relevance and are grouped into three main thematic areas:
1) respondents’ personal information
2) knowledge of, and experience with, the SFM Toolbox
3) challenges and improvements

The proposal for follow-up actions has four main areas:
1) accessibility
2) modules
3) site improvements
4) outreach

The results are available to be read and shared, and can be downloaded here.


Photo: Copyright ©FAO