Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Mangrove related policy and institutional frameworks in Pakistan, Thailand and Viet Nam

Author Beresnev, N., Phung, T., and Broadhead, J.
Year of publication 2016
This study provides an overview of policy and institutional frameworks for mangrove management in Pakistan, Thailand and Viet Nam. In spite of these values, mangroves in Asia continue to be converted to other land uses, and sustainable financing for their protection has not been forthcoming. This has resulted from limited length of project cycles, a lack of established PES schemes covering mangroves, unclear tenure, and the relatively small size of mangroves areas in relation to the economies of scale necessary to offset costs associated with accessing carbon payments. This is the second in a series of four project publications intended to be used in conjunction in establishing sustainable financing for mangrove protection, and provides a review of mangrove related policy and institutional frameworks in Pakistan, Thailand and Viet Nam.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
Mangroves and coastal forests
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility