Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Master trainers guide for sessions in training of trainers (ToT) in farm forestry

Author Bicanic, J. & Raae, K. (eds.)
Year of publication 2013
This manual was developed by a group of teachers from the North Vietnam College of Agriculture and Rural Development and experts from Danish Forestry Extension. The manual was used as training material for training 41 Farmer Field Facilitators, staff from the More Trees Project, and staff from the Farmers Unions in the Hoa Binh and Ha Tinh provinces. The training course took place from April to August 2011. After gaining experience from the training course, the manual was adjusted accordingly. The manual was used by the Master Trainers (MTs) of Training of Trainers (ToT) on farm forestry. The Master Trainers have used the manual along with the Technical Guide on farm forestry establishment, which also was developed by the More Trees Project and the North Vietnam College of Agriculture and Rural Development during August 2011 with the purpose to conduct the ToT. This guide is divided into 44 sessions where each session includes the following parts: Training objective, duration, materials, steps and master trainers’ notes. The guide covers three topics: facilitation skills, agroforestry and forestry
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Management Unit
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Multiple use
Management Responsibility