Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Tool Details

Forest fires and the law

Author Morgera, E. & Cirelli, M.T.
Year of publication 2009
Based on the Fire Management Voluntary Guidelines, the present study seeks to systematically identify the elements of solid legislation on forest fires, capitalizing on the experience gained by FAO in advising on the improvement of forest fire legislation in member countries. Emerging trends (such as common approaches and tools, as well as common gaps), best practices and innovative legal solutions are identified in national and subnational legislation on forest fires in a representative group of countries from different regions, having different ecosystems and different legal traditions. This comparative analysis leads to the formulation of systematic recommendations for the analysis, review and drafting of forest fire legislation to support a holistic approach to fire management. From the outset, it should be clarified that this study does not intend to provide a model law on forest fires: as technical issues and ecological and social conditions vary greatly from country to country and from one ecoregion to another, legal solutions should also differ to effectively address forest fire management in a specific national context.
Type of Tool
Guidelines manual kits for trainers
Scale of Application
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Management Responsibility