Technical Cooperation Programme

TCP and FAO’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme

FAO's comprehensive and holistic COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme is designed to proactively and sustainably address the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. In line with the UN approach to “build back better,” and in pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals, it aims to mitigate the immediate impacts of the pandemic while strengthening the long-term resilience of food systems and livelihoods.

Through extensive analyses, ongoing consultations with decentralized offices and bilateral discussions with resource partners, FAO identified seven key areas of action needed to ensure rapid and continued support to the most vulnerable while anticipating the secondary repercussions of the virus.

A total of 132 TCP projects for a value of USD 29 million were approved in response to requests from member countries. The assistance is fully aligned with the priorities areas of the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme and countries in all regions have requested assistance from FAO in support of their efforts to deal with the pandemic.


A causa de la pandemia del COVID-19, a partir de 2020 Ecuador se enfrentó a una importante crisis económica. Según cifras del Banco Central del Ecuador, para el segundo trimestre del 2020, el PIB mostró un decrecimiento del 12,4 % respecto al mismo período en el 2019.


As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, inflation in China increased, particularly in the food sector, impacting significantly upon the cost of living for vulnerable households.


The pandemic generated by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which causes respiratory disease, has resulted in millions of cases worldwide and an exponential increase in cases in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean...


La situación derivada de la crisis sanitaria por el COVID-19 en la región de ALC deja en evidencia la necesidad de asistencia técnica efectiva, de información para la toma de decisiones coordinada en la mitigación de riesgos, así como de un diálogo profundo entre todas las partes implicadas.