Urban Food Actions Platform

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Selected Resources ​

Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management - Articles
Interest in urban gardening is growing as a means of enhancing social contact and reusing urban spaces. This practice, in fact, has positive effects in social and environmental terms. Because of these effects, urban gardening has spread especially in extensively urbanized and metropolitan areas where land consumption and pollution are...
Italy (Europe)
2020 - Valentina Cattivelli
Governance and planning, Food supply and distribution - Local Policies
This Milan Pact Talk had the aim to share experiences among cities that have taken initiatives to address the impact of Coronavirus on food security. São Paulo, Milan, Barcellona, and Washington DC tell us what these cities have implemented to face food insecurity during the Covid19 crisis through their food...
Brazil, Italy, Spain, United States of America (Global coverage)
2020 - Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Secretariat
Food supply and distribution - Articles
ONLY IN FRENCH Few places in the world are resisting the 'supermarket wave'. Only parts of India and Africa still seem to be left out of this phenomenon. While some welcome the "supermarket revolution" as a welcome modernization of food distribution systems, others are concerned that the wave is threatening the...
2020 -
Governance and planning - Articles
There can be many ways to perceive what participation is about, leading to very different processes. Should you be steering local actors or providing space for a local network of pioneers to emerge? Local authorities may be able to do both as policy gains maturity, providing they check on a regular basis...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) (Europe)
2020 - Albane GASPARD
Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management - Articles
This webpage lists past and forthcoming global, regional events on Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry organized by a broad range of partners. Cconference papers and proceedings, agendas are available (some in English and some in Spanish).  
(Global coverage)
2020 - FAO