
The World Banana Forum (WBF) is working to address the impacts of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the entire banana supply chain. This repository is a tool for industry stakeholders.

As part of its efforts, the WBF has produced occupational health and safety (OHS) audio-visual materials to support workers and farmers operating in the banana industry under the pandemic. Additionally, the WBF has launched 18 health and safety videos with global reach to further protect workers during this emergency.

For more information, please see FAO’s COVID-19 portal: Novel coronavirus with policy briefspublications and videos.

Actions, protocols and responses

AgroAmérica: Plan de emergencia educativa durante el período 

Asociación de Productores Independientes de Banano (APIB): APIB hizo una donación al gobierno de Guatemala

Banana Link: Workers seek Covid 19 protection on Latin American plantations

Center for Global Development: Approaching COVID-19 risk and response through a gender lens

Chiquita: Chiquita donates 1 million bananas across the United States

Fairtrade International: Fairtrade standard for contract production

Fairtrade International: Fairtrade standard for hired labour

Fairtrade International: Fairtrade standard for small-scale producer organizations

Fairtrade International: Letter to small-scale producer and hired labour organizations, and contract production set ups

Fairtrade International: National banana day: Fairtrade heroes in Colombia put #FairtradeTogether into action against the coronavirus

Fairtrade International: New guidance from Fairtrade boosts action to protect farmers and workers during COVID-19 pandemic

FAO: 11 organizaciones internacionales se unen para asegurar los sistemas alimentarios, la agricultura y el comercio durante la pandemia COVID-19

FAO: 26 países de América Latina y el Caribe se coordinan para apoyar el funcionamiento regular del sistema alimentario durante la crisis COVID-19

FAO & FLAMA: Mercados mayoristas: acción frente al COVID-19

FAO in Panama: Realizan jornada fitosanitaria para la protección de los trabajadores y la producción agropecuaria durante COVID-19

IUF: United Food, Farm & Hotel Workers Worldwide: IUF COVID-19 demands: agriculture

IUF: United Food, Farm & Hotel Workers Worldwide: IUF COVID-19 demands: equality

ILO: Supporting SMEs during COVID-19

Hunger-Free Latin America and Caribbean Initiative: Open letter to Latin America and the Caribbean – hunger and malnutrition, the other side of the coronavirus

Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (OIRSA): Realizan intercambio sobre bioseguridad para prevenir COVID-19 en cadena del banano

Los Ministros y Secretarios de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca, Alimentación y Desarrollo Rural de 25 países de América Latina y el Caribe: El COVID-19 y los riesgos a las cadenas de abastecimiento de alimentos

SINTRAINAGRO: Cese de actividades en fincas por incumplimiento de protocolo de bioseguridad

SINTRAINAGRO: Colombia: SINTRAINAGRO demands and wins COVID-19 support and protection for banana workers

SINTRAINAGRO: Protocolo de bioseguridad para trabajadores bananeros

USDA: COVID-19 federal rural resource guide

Global impacts

Bloomberg: Disease is ravaging the $25 billion banana industry

Care International: Gender implications of COVID-19 outbreaks in development and humanitarian settings

El Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA): El IICA lanza blog de expertos sobre vulnerabilidad alimentaria e impactos del COVID-19 en la agricultura

Fairtrade International: 27 March Fairtrade together: COVID-19 briefing

Fairtrade International: 6 April Fairtrade together: COVID-19 briefing

FAO: Agri-food markets and trade policy in the time of COVID-19

FAO: Ample supplies to help shield food markets from the COVID-19 crisis

FAO: Channels of transmission to food and agriculture

FAO: COVID-19 and the risk to food supply chains: How to respond?

FAO: Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA)

FAO: Food outlook: biannual report on global food markets (COVID-19, June 2020)

FAO: Gendered impacts of COVID-19 and equitable policy responses in agriculture, food security and nutrition

FAO: Impact of COVID-19 on national censuses of agriculture (status overview)

FAO: Peruvian farmers do not stop

FAO: Preserving African food value chains in the midst of the coronavirus crisis

FAO: Q&A: COVID-19 pandemic – impact on food and agriculture

FAO News digest: selected daily news on food chain disruptions and countries responses to the COVID-19 impact on food chains 09 July 2020

FAO Regional Office for Latin America: FAO online conferences COVID-19 and food systems series webinar 1 – COVID-19 and its impact on nutrition and agriculture

FAO Regional Office for Latin America: FAO online conferences COVID-19 and food systems series webinar 2 – How to strengthen food production in the COVID-19 context?

FAO Regional Office for Latin America: FAO online conferences COVID-19 and food systems series webinar 3 – Food systems and social protection in the rural world before COVID-19

FAO Regional Office for Latin America: FAO online conferences COVID-19 and food systems series webinar 4 – COVID-19 impacts in urban supply and food systems

FAO and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC): Seguridad alimentaria bajo la pandemia de COVID-19

FAO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Bulletin 1: analysis and responses of Latin America and the Caribbean to the effects of COVID-19 on food systems

FAO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Bulletin 2: analysis and responses of Latin America and the Caribbean to the effects of COVID-19 on food systems

FAO and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC): Food systems and COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean

Foreign Policy: How to stop a looming food crisis

France 24: Máximo Torero: “La FAO está monitoreando de cerca qué pasa con los alimentos”

FruiTrop/CIRAD: The impact of COVID-19 measures on fruit and vegetables distribution in France

FruiTrop/CIRAD: Banana holding up in the face of the coronavirus pandemic

Global Network Against Food Crises

International Tropical Fruits Network: Cameroon: Banana exports dropped by over 6,000 tons in 2020

International Tropical Fruits Network: India: As markets shut, bananas go to waste

International Tropical Fruits Network: India: Curfew dampens hopes of banana leaf cultivators

International Tropical Fruits Network: USA: Coronavirus is about to hit banana supplies next

Rainforest Alliance: Audit exception policy for COVID-19


The views expressed in this information product and the articles above are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO.