Journée mondiale des sols, 5 décembre

HeART and Soil

This exhibition, held at FAO headquarters during the 5thGSP Plenary Assembly, launched the GSP communication campaign for World Soil Day 2017 and effectively fulfilled the purpose of maintaining the high public attention on how healthy soils are strategic allies for our lives.

Announcement | Photogallery 1 | Photogallery 2  (Museum MACRO Testaccio) | Photogallery 3 (FAO Atrium - GSP Plenary Assembly)

Thanks to the artists Hanieh Akhlaghi, Alessandro Rabboni, Alfredo Macchi, Anna Di Fusco, Angelica Romeo, Francesca Lolli, Marco Fioramanti, Quirino Cipolla, Rossella Pezzino de Geronimo, Roberto Mannino who have collaborated pro bono with FAO for this temporary exhibition.

Art Curator: Giusy Emiliano

Andy Warhol — 'I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.'

Given the great success of the first "Heart and Soil" art - exhibit, showcasing the intersection of contemporary art and soils, GSP decided to organize a reiteration of the exhibition held at FAO headquarters during the 5th GSP Plenary Assembly for World Soil Day 2017.

The importance of soils was emphasized through a didactic approach focused on Art and Play: workshops and soil experiments especially designed for children were held at the Città dell'Altra Economia, Macro Testaccio, Rome and got coverage in the local and national news.

Over 100 children worked with the team in the duration of the exhibition and the soil workshops.

Caring for the Planet starts from the Ground | 6 - 9 December 2017 

Location: Cittá dell'Altra Economia, Macro Testaccio

6 December | 10:00am - 4:30pm

Scientific Conference promoted by the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Council for Agricultural Research and Analysis of Agricultural Economics (CREA) on “Sustainable Soil Management (SSM) practices”.

6 December | 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Vernissage: art - exhibition – “Heart and Soil” – a collective of artists meetsand declines the theme of soil through contemporary artworks - until the 9th of December

7 - 8 - 9 December | 10:00am - 5:00pm

Launch of the book: “Soil Experiments for children: Let’s celebrate SOILS and take a journey to discover the ground beneath our feet!”

Workshops dedicated to children: “Let’s put into practice the experiments suggested in the book with the help of teachers to celebrate soils with joy!”

Patronage UNESCO 

Free entrance

Save the date: English | Italian

Press release: here

World Soil Day 2017 Flickr photogallery

Thanks to Silvia Pirone, Roberta Carini, Guenda Sagnotti, Sveva Manfredi Zabaglia, Monsignor Pietro Amato Vicario, Semina Diretta 2.0, “GraNOtill della Cultura - La semina diretta nei Sassi”, Matera