
السنة الدولية للشعاب المرجانية

16 February 2018
Help make this a pivotal year for coral reefs

Global consultation - for the Nurturing Care Framework for actions and results for early childhood development

06 February 2018
Further to the exciting discussions and support expressed by Member States during the Executive Board, I am pleased to draw your attention to the global consultation that has been initiated for the Nurturing Care Framework for actions and results for...

World Oceans Day 2018

01 February 2018
World Oceans Day 2018 is on track to be the biggest yet with many exciting celebrations already planned! With the conservation action theme for World Oceans Day 2018 on encouraging solutions to plastic pollution and preventing marine litter, the World Oceans...

UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development

31 January 2018
The 4th edition of the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was launched .Generously funded by the Government of Japan, the ESD Prize consists of three annual awards of US $50,000 for each recipient. The nomination...