Written Correspondence Procedure
In light of the exceptional procedures in place for the virtual meetings of the 42nd Session of the Conference, it has been agreed to address some agenda items through a written correspondence procedure. In this procedure, Members may submit written comments and questions on the related agenda items, based on the related documentation and Secretariat introductions. The Secretariat will then provide written responses. Both the Members’ submissions and the responses from the Secretariat can be found in the following pages.
- Item 11: Global Policy and Regulatory matters arising from:
- Item 11.1: Report of the 27th Session of the Committee on Agriculture (28 September 2 October 2020)
- Item 11.1.1: Eradication of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) by 2030 (Draft Resolution)
- Item 11.1.2: Proposal for the Establishment of a Sub-Committee on Livestock
- Item 11.1.3: Proposal for an International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (Draft Resolution)
- Item 11.1.4: Proposal for an International Day of Plant Health (Draft Resolution)
- Item 11.1.5: Proposal for an International Year of Date Palm (Draft Resolution)
- Item 11.1: Report of the 27th Session of the Committee on Agriculture (28 September 2 October 2020)
- Item 13: Progress report on the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System;
- Item 14: United Nations/FAO World Food Programme;
- Item 15: Biennial Theme 2022-23;
- Item 16: Programme Implementation Report 2018-2019;
- Item 17: Programme Evaluation Report 2021.