To be checked against delivery! Note that the addresses and statements are posted as provided and may differ from those actually delivered. Please consult the Webcast or Audio proceedings to ensure accuracy.
Address by His Excellency Christian Schmidt
Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Germany
Address by His Excellency Fahad Bin Abdulrahman bin Sulaiman Balghunaim
Minister for Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Address by His Excellency Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam
Minister for Health of Malaysia
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Roland Ravatomanga
Ministre de l’agriculture et du développement rural de la République de Madagascar
Discurso de la Excma. Sra. Doña Yolani Bátres
Secretaria de Estado en el Despacho de Salud de la República de Honduras
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Afonso Pedro Canga
Ministre de l’Agriculture de la République d’Angola
Address by Her Excellency Pamela Rendi-Wagner
Director General for Public Health of the Federal Ministry of Health of the Republic of Austria
Address by Her Excellency Jean Kalilani
Minister for Health of the Republic of Malawi
Address by His Excellency Khag Raj Adhikari
Minister for Health and Population of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
Address by The Honourable Moses M. Vilakati
Minister for Agriculture of the Kingdom of Swaziland
Allocution de Son Excellence Madame Cristina Isabel Lopes Da Silva Montero Duarte
Ministre des finances et de la planification de la République de Cabo Verde
Discurso de Su Majestad la Reina Letizia
del Reino de España
Address by Mr José Graziano da Silva
Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Discurso de Su Santidad el Papa Francisco
Discurso de la Excma. Sra. Doña Nadine Heredia
Primera Dama del Perú y Embajadora Especial de la FAO
Address by His Excellency Leo Varadkar
Minister for Health of Ireland
Address by The Honorable Ropati Le Mamea
Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries of the Independent State of Samoa
Address by His Excellency Kwaku Agyemang-Mensah
Minister for Health of the Republic of Ghana
Allocution de Son Excellence M. Maidagi Allambeye
Ministre d'État, Ministre de l'agriculture de la République du Niger
Address by His Excellency Igor Shvaika
Minister for Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
Address by His Excellency Alexandre Lourenço Jaime Manguele
Minister for Health of the Republic of Mozambique
Thursday 20 November - Afternoon
Addresses and Statements
To be checked against delivery! Note that the addresses and statements are posted as provided and may differ from those actually delivered. Please consult the Webcast or Audio proceedings to ensure accuracy.
Address by The Honourable Lindsay Northover
Deputy Minister for International Development of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Discurso del Excmo. Sr. Don Alfredo Mitogo Mitogo Ada
Ministro de Agricultura y Bosques de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial
Address by The Honourable Kautu Tenaua
Minister for Health and Medical Services of the Republic of Kiribati
Address by His Excellency Hisao Harihara
Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan
Address by His Excellency Akinwumi Ayo Adesina
Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Discurso de la Excma. Sra. Doña Isabel García Tejerina
Ministra de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente del Reino de España
Allocution de Son Excellence Madame Jacqueline Sultan
Ministre de l'Agriculture de la République de Guinée
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Brahim Ould M’Bareck Ould Mohamed El Moctar
Ministre du développement rural de la République islamique de Mauritanie
Address by His Excellency Abdi Ahmed Mohamed
Minister for Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Somalia
Address by Her Excellency Svetlana Cotelea
Deputy Minister for Health of the Republic of Moldova
Address by His Excellency Solomon Owens
Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of the Gambia
Address by His Excellency Nodar Kereselidze
First Deputy Minister for Agriculture of Georgia
Address by Her Excellency Sarah Opendi
Minister of State for Primary Healthcare of the Republic of Uganda
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Louis Lahoud
Directeur général du Ministère de l’agriculture de la République libanaise
Address by His Excellency Neven Mimica
European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development of the European Union
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Filipe Quessanquê
Secrétaire d’État à la Sécurité Alimentaire de la République de Guinée-Bissau
Address by His Excellency Nuno Vieira e Brito
Secretary of State of Food and Agri-Food Research of the Portuguese Republic
Address by Her Excellency Maria-Bernardita Flores
Assistant Secretary of Health and Executive Director IV of the National Nutrition Council, Department of Health of the Republic of the Philippines
Discurso de la Excma. Sra. Ana Lucía Torres
Subsecretaria de Promoción de la Salud y Igualdad del Ministerio de Salud de la República de Ecuador
Address by His Excellency Ahmed Al-Bakri
Undersecretary of the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries of the Sultanate of Oman
Address by Her Excellency Egita Pole
Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia
Address by His Excellency Tin Htut
Director-General of the Department of Agricultural Planning of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Address by Her Excellency Mariam E.A. Al Hajeri
Director of Public Health Directorate of the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Bahrain
Address by His Excellency Hans Brattskar
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway
Address by His Excellency Rajiv Seereeram
Adviser on Nutrition of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address by Her Excellency Kyungwon Oh
Director of the Division of Health and Nutrition Survey of the Centres for Disease Control and Preservation of the Republic of Korea
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Ismael Elmi
Conseiller technique du Ministre de l’agriculture de la République de Djibouti
Discurso del Excmo. Sr. Enrique Javier Beteta Acevedo
Secretario General del Ministerio de Salud de la República de Nicaragua
Allocution de Son Excellence Monsieur Mohamed Makiyou Coulibaly
Coordinateur National chargé des questions d'alimentation et de nutrition au Ministère du Développement Rural de la République du Mali
Address by Her Excellency Mirgand Shabozov
Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan
Address by Her Excellency Caroline Phiri Chibawe
Director, Mother and Child Health, Ministry of Community Development Mother and Child Health of the Republic of Zambia
Address by His Excellency Charles McClain
Deputy Agriculture Minister for Planning and Development of the Republic of Liberia
Address by His Excellency Mike Rann
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia to FAO
Address by Mr Matthew Hooper
Counsellor, Alternate Permanent Representative of New Zealand to FAO
Allocution de Madame Christina Grieder
Ministre et Représentante permanente de la Suisse auprès de la FAO
Address by Mr James Lomax
Sustainable Food Systems Programme Officer of the United Nations Environment Programme
Address by Mr Braulio Ferreira De Souza Dias
Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Address by Mr Sven Walter
Head of the Liaison Office of the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Address by Mr Shenggen Fan
Director-General of the International Food Policy Research Institute
Representative of the Civil Society Mechanism: Mr Samuel Hauensteinswan
Senior Research and Policy Analyst at Action Against Hunger International
Representative of the Civil Society Mechanism: Ms Mafalda Eugenia Galdames Castro
World March of Women
Representative of the Civil Society Mechanism: Ms Jennifer Thompson
Advocacy Officer for Hunger at Concern Worldwide
Representative of the Private Sector Steering Committee: Ms Luisa Volpe
Policy Officer at the World Farmers’ Association
Representative of the Private Sector Steering Committee: Mr Olivier Espeisse
Elanco and the Global Harvest Initiative
Representative of the Private Sector Steering Committee: Mr John Connelly
International Coalition of Fisheries Associations
Address by Ms Patrizia Ravaioli
Secretary General of the Italian Red Cross on behalf of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Address by Mr Teodor Dosa
Counsellor for European Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania
Address by Mr Michael Anderson
Chief Executive Officer, Children's Investment Fund Foundation