Wednesday 15 May 2019
Opening of the symposium
Opening of the symposium
- Mr José Graziano Da Silva, Director-General, FAO (video message)
- H.E. Enzo Benech, Minister for Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay
- Ms Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, Climate and Natural Resources, FAO
- Mr Kim Keong-Kyu, Administrator of the Rural Development Administration,
Republic of Korea - Mr Pradeep Monga, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNCCD
Keynote speakers
Keynote speakers
Setting the scientific scene for GSER19
- Soil erosion in the Anthropocene: do we still need more research? | Mr Jean Poesen, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
- Assessment & mapping soil erosion: Does it tell our story? | Mr Richard Cruse, Iowa State University, United States of America
- Decision supporting framework for soil erosion control and ecosystem services enhancement | Mr Jae Yang, Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea
- Addressing soil erosion through policy and economic assessments | Ms Lindsay Stringer, University of Leeds, England
Introduction to GSER19
Introduction to GSER19
Perspectives on soil erosion
- Soil erosion from the space | Mr Luca Parmitano, Astronaut, European Space Agency (video message)
- Testimony of soil erosion from the ground | Mr Alfred Grand, Farmer, Austria
- Facing soil erosion at ancient times | Mr Fernando Delgado, Inter-American Center for Development and Environmental and Territorial Research (CIDIAT), Venezuela
- Long-term changes due to wind erosion in arid zones | Ms. Halima Slimani, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumédienne, Algeria
Introduction to the themes
Introduction to the themes
- Theme 1: Use of data and assessment tools in soil erosion control
- Modelling post-fire soil erosion in recently burned areas | Ms Diana Vieira, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Theme 2: Practices and Policy in action to address soil erosion
- Impact of policies on soil erosion in the European Union | Mr Panos Panagos, European Commission, Italy
- Theme 3: The economics of soil erosion control and restoration of eroded land
- Economic assessment of Soil erosion in Malawi | Mr Giacomo Pallante, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development , Italy
Introduction to the technical sessions
Introduction to the technical sessions
Working documents
- Theme 1 : Use of data and assessment tools in soil erosion control | Mr Pasquale Borrelli, University of Basel, Switzerland
- Theme 2: Practices and Policy in action to address soil erosion | Ms Lydia Chabala, Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, Zambia
- Theme 3: The economics of soil erosion control and restoration of eroded land | Mr David Lobb, Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, Canada
Side event
Side event
"Soil erosion assessment: Making a difference with isotopic techniques"
IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture | 15 May 2019 | 13:00 - 14:30 | Malaysia room/C227, FAO HQ
Thursday 16 May 2019
Theme Chair: Mr Richard Cruse (Iowa State University, USA). Moderator: Ms Costanza Calzolari (ITPS, Italy); Ms Maria Konyushkova (ITPS, Russia); Mr Siosiua Halavatau (ITPS)
- Badland and gully erosion assessment using remotely sensed data, non-invasive field techniques and stochastic modelling approaches | Mr Michael Maerker, University of Pavia, Italy
- Resilience of red ferralitic soils in the Karst regions of Mayabeque province, Cuba | Mr José M. Febles González, University of Havana, Cuba
- Recalibration of a modified version of the WaTEM/SEDEM model for the assessment of soil erosion, sediment transport and the impact of soil erosion measures in Flanders | Ms Petra Deproost, Government of Flanders, Belgium
- Soil erosion modelling tools for the use in Earth System models | Ms Victoria Naipal, Universtiy of Munchen, Germany
- Interpretation of Land use and Soil Conservation Measures in the Pan -Third Pole area using Google Earth High Resolution Remotely Sensed Images | Mr Qinke Yang, Northwest University, China
- An approach to prediction of ephemeral gully location and length in conditions of the Czech Republic | Mr Miroslav Dumbrovský, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
- Measuring gullies and evaluating soil properties in a mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil | Ms Lúcia Helena Cunha dos Anjos, UFRRJ, Brazil
- Soil erosion assessment using RUSLE and Projection Augmented Landscape Model (PALM) as participatory tool in a mexican peasant community | Mr José María León Villalobos, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacia (CentroGeo), Mexico
- How reliable are our methods for estimating soil erosion by water? | Mr Anthony J. Parsons, University of Sheffield, UK
- Is an expert-based model able to map erosion in agricultural catchment? | Mr Vincent Cantreul, University of Liège, Belgium
- Evaluating the “Soil stabilisation and control of erosion” ecosystem service provided by agricultural ecosystems over the French territory | Ms Isabelle Cousin, INRA, France
- Integrated approach to conduct global soil erosion survey and assessment under FAO leadership | Mr Baoyuan Liu, Northwest A&F University, China
- Assessment of soil erosion by R/USLE – A case study of the applications of R/USLE in the mining industry | Mr.Ilse Snyman, Golder Associates, South Africa
- Soil water holding capacity affected by erosion in olive orchards under semi-arid climatic conditions | Ms María José Marques, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
- Spatio-temporal monitoring of soil erosion events | Mr Markus Möller, Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Institute for Strategies and Technology, Germany
- A large-scaled analysis on the spatial variability of soil parameters and its relation to soil erodibility and landscape characteristics in Southern Italy (Molise Region) | Ms Erika Di Iorio, University of Molise, Italy
- Water erosion and the ENSO phenomenon over Penisetum chilense steppe of Puna region | Mr Alejandro E. Maggi, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Erosion model testing – are doing enough? | Mr John Quinton, Lancaster University, UK
- Long-term monitoring of sediment yield in typical agricultural watersheds of Navarre (Spain) | Mr Rafael Giménez, Public University of Navarre,
Spain - Merging remote and in-situ land degradation indicators in soil erosion control system | Ms Tatiana Ilienko, Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management, Ukraine
- Factors controlling the spatial distribution of sediment yield and area-specific sediment yield on large scale: example of Morocco | Mr Abdelali Gourfi, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
- Using PAP/RAC model and GIS tools for mapping and study of water erosion processes in the Mediterranean environment: case of the Asfalou watershed (Oriental Rif, Morocco) | Mr Jad Tahouri, Département des Sciences de la Terre, Université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mahraz, Laboratoire de Géodynamique et Ressources Naturelles (LGRN), Fès, Atlas, Morocco
Theme Chair: Mr Nigussie Haregeweyn, Tottori University, Japan. Moderator: Mr Nsalambi Vakanda Nkongolo (ITPS, Democratic Republic of the Congo); Mr German Kust (SPI-UNCCD)
- Measuring rates of arable soil formation to better understand the severity of soil erosion | Mr Daniel Evans, Lancaster University, UK
- Comparing erosion rates and processes after land use conversion from rainfed to irrigated crops in fragile areas with water scarcity | Mr Nicolaas Verschaeren, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
- Soil erosion modeling using RUSLE 1 in Shida Kartli Region (Georgia) | Mr Georgi Ghambashidze, Scientific-Research Centre of Agriculture, Tbilisi, Georgia
- Using PAP/CAR model and GIS tools for mapping and study of water erosion processes in the Mediterranean environment: Case of the Asfalou watershed (Oriental Rif, Morocco) | Mr Abdellali Gourfi on behalf of Mr Tahouri Jad, Faculté des Sciences Dhar Mahraz, Morocco
- Calibration and validation of an USLE model to map soil erosion by water in the Sicilian Region (Italy) | Ms Maria Fantappiè, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Italy
- Possibilities and precision of volumetric analyses of ephemeral gullies via UAV monitoring | Mr Josef Krasa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Protocol for identifying and assess soil degradation by erosion in Colombia | Mr Fredy Neira, IDEAM - UDCA, Colombia
- Preliminary progress on global soil erosion assessment | Mr Rui Li, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, China
- Soil erosion in Russia: state, dynamics, and forecast | Mr German Kust, Institute of Geography RAS, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- A Survey of Soil Erosion in China of 2011 | Mr Yun Xie, Beijing Normal University, China
- National Assessment of Soil Erosion in Canada from 1971 to 2016 | Mr David A. Lobb, University of Manitoba, Canada
- National study of soil degradation by erosion in Colombia | Mr Fredy Neira, IDEAM - UDCA, Colombia
- Assessment methods or tools in soil erosion control in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories | Mr Siosiua Halavatau, private soil consultant, Kingdom of Tonga
- Assessment of water and wind erosion risk over the Eastern Africa region | Mr Nigussie Haregeweyn, Tottori University, Japan
- Using fingerprint methods to implement effective strategies for management, sustainable use and conservation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest ecosystems | Mr Renan Pereira Cardoso, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
- Introduction of three nuclear techniques integrated in order to strengthen in the Latin American and Caribbean region, the strategies and programs of surveillance/monitoring of the
sedimentation phenomenon in water reservoir superficial | Mr José Luis Peralta Vital, Center of Radiation Protection and Hygiene, Cuba - Quantifying erosion using 137Cs in cultivated soil in the Sbaihia watershed-Zagouane, Tunisia | Mr Mansour Oueslati, National Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, Tunisia
- Estimation of Soil Erosion Deforestation-induced Using Nuclear Techniques (Case study: Golestan Province, Iran) | Mr Mohammadreza Gharibreza, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Iran
- Dynamic Erosion Model and Monitoring System (DEMIS) | Mr Mehmet Ali Akdag, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Turkey
- Simulation and evaluation of global sediment runoff and soil organic carbon removal by erosion in maize fields under varying field management | Mr Tony Carr, University College London, UK
- Downscale LS derived from 1-arc SRTM in Global Soil Erosion Assessment | Ms Chunmei Wang, Northwest University, China
Sub-theme 2.1: Practices in action to address soil erosion
Theme Chair: Mr Gary Pierzynski (ITPS, USA). Moderator: Ms Ellen Graber (ITPS, Israel); Mr Mohammad Jamal Khan (ITPS, Pakistan); Mr Edmond Hien (ITPS)
- Zeolite effects on soil organic carbon and structure against erosion in vineyards | Ms Serena Doni, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
- Effects of biochar on soil properties and erosion potential in a degraded sandy soil | Mr Taiwo Michael Agbede, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Nigeria
- Soil and water conservation technics as a mechanism to adapt to the impacts of climate change in the Maule River Basin Chile | Mr Samuel Francke Campaña, CONAF, Chile
- The potential of Goji Berry Tree to control soil erosion in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia | Ms Intan Nadhirah Masri, MARDI, Malaysia
- A possible approach to control soil erosion: Natural farming | Ms Silvia Sociarelli, CREA Italy
- Conservation practices to reduce soil erosion in hillsides cultivated with plantain (Musa AAB) | Mr William Andrés Cardona, AGROSAVIA, Colombia
- How is soil erosion evaluated in the land capability systems used in Brazil? | Ms Lúcia Helena Cunha dos Anjos, UFRRJ, Brazil
- Effectiveness Analysis of Best Management Practices by SWAT for Appropriate Control of Sediment Yield on the Catchment Scale in the North of Morocco | Mr Hamza Briak, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Morocco
- Role of biochar to counteract degradation in acid soils | Ms Mora-Lamilla Sofía, University of La Salle, National Learning Service (SENA), Colombia
- Assessing Soil Health Following the Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in East Africa | Ms Marla Riekman, Manitoba Agriculture, Canada
- Soil degradation and erosion processes under new extensive agro-industrial developments: causes and consequences | Mr Ildefonso Pla, Universitat de Lleida, Spain
- From Soil Erosion to Soil Accumulation: Recycling Urban Organic Waste to the Eroded Land in Sahel, West Africa | Mr Shuichi Oyama, Kyoto University, Japan
- Soil quality assessment by enzyme activities in an olive orchard subjected to living mulch to counteract soil erosion | Ms Paola Iovieno, CREA-Centro di ricerca Orticoltura e Florovivaismo, Italy
- Influence of mosses on soil hydraulic conductivity, penetration resistance and water repellency six years after a post-fire salvage logging treatment | Ms Minerva García-Carmona, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain
- Use of perennial crop (Arundo Donax L.) in two degraded areas to control soil erosion and improve soil quality | Mr Donato Visconti, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
- Long-term effectiveness of Sustainable Land Management practices to control runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss in Mediterranean rainfed agroecosystems | Mr Victor Castillo, Soil Erosion and Conservation Research Group, Spain
- Soil loss impacts on food security: a case study on LSLA in Mozambique | Mr Davide Danilo Chiarelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Soil protection from erosion on the local level in Kharkiv region, Ukraine | Mr Valerii Koliada, NSC “ISSAR named after Sokolovsky”, Ukraine
- Environmental assessment of land management interventions (Atlantic Morocco) | Ms Nadia Machouri, Mohammed V University, Morocco
Sub-theme 2.2: Policies in action to address soil erosion
Theme Chair: Ms Megan Balks (ITPS, New Zealand). Moderator: Mr Ashok Patra (ITPS, India); Mr Matshwene Edwin Moshia III (ITPS, South Africa); Ms Lúcia Helena Cunha dos Anjos (ITPS)
- Building a solid foundation for erosion control: resilience-based stewardship in Burundi | Mr Aad Kessler, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
- Reinforce water and climate co-benefits in actions to control soil erosion | Mr Lulu Zhang, United Nations University, Germany
- Agricultural defense of Sao Paulo: twelve years of soil preservation and rehabilitation at the Rio de Peixe watershed, promoting conservation agriculture | Mr Oswaldo Julio Vischi Filho, Secretariat of Agriculture of the State of São Paulo, Brazil
- Soil erosion policy in Switzerland | Mr Schwilch Gudrun, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland
- The conceptual model for conservation of natural resources in forestry areas | Mr Mohammadreza Gharibreza, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Iran
- Challenges and opportunities: enabling effective soil erosion control through Land Degradation Neutrality | Ms Xiaoxia Jia, UNCCD Secretariat, Germany
- Vulnerability assessment of soil erosion affected by climate change | Mr Kangho Jung, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Republic of Korea
- Soil conservation knowledge governance in Mexico | Ms Helena Cotler, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial, Mexico
- Using the SedNetNZ model as a policy planning tool in the Hawke’s Bay region of New Zealand | Mr Barry Lynch, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, New Zealand
- Reversing soil erosion trends at the river basin scale: A participatory model of intervention for building resilience in developing countries | Mr Alfredo del Valle, Foundation for Participatory Innovation, Chile
- 15 years of experience with the use of detailed erosion maps in soil erosion policy in Flanders, Belgium | Mr Martien Swerts, Government of Flanders, Belgium
- Supporting Regionally Integrated AgroForestry practices in Mountain Regions to Prevent Erosion, comparing China-EU Cases | Mr Xiaoying Liu, Natureherit Design & Consult, Netherlands
- National Plan participatory construction against Soil Erosion in Brazil | Ms Julia Franco Stuchi, Embrapa, Brazil
- Integrating data and assessment evidence across disciplines to co-design soil erosion solutions in degraded pastoral land | Mr William H. Blake, University of Plymouth, UK
- An integrated approach to tackle soil erosion – insights from Burundi | Mr David Betge, ZOA Deutschland, Germany
- Soil and water conservation policy evolution and its humanenvironment contexts in China since 1949 | Mr Rui Li, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, China
- The evolution of soil conservation policies targeting land abandonment and soil erosion in Spain: A review | Ms Cynthia C.E. van Leeuwen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
- The New Zealand Soil Erosion Control Experience 1919 to 2019: Lessons for Policy and Practice | Mr Frank Scrimgeour, University of Waikato, New Zealand
- Education for soil science conservation research with children from the Alto del Naranjo village in the municipality of Manizales Caldas – Colombia | Ms Carmen Soledad Morales Londoño, University of Caldas, Colombia
- The Uruguayan Official Soil Conservation Policy and its Results | Mr Fernando García-Préchac, Agriculture and Fishery of Uruguay (MGAP), Uruguay
- The impact of plans, policies, practices and technologies based on the principles of conservation agriculture for controlling soil erosion in Brazil | Mr Aluisio Granato de Andrade, Embrapa, Brazil
Theme Chair: Ms Rosa Maria Poch (ITPS, Spain). Moderator: Mr David Lobb (ITPS, USA); Mr Rafla Attia (ITPS, Tunisia)
- Sustainability and production: analysis of a successful soil conservation strategy in the province of Entro Ríos, Argentina | Mr Alejandro E. Maggi, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Farmers’ preferences for controlling soil erosion in Sicily | Ms Maria De Salvo, University of Catania, Italy
- Economic evaluation of water erosion and Sustainable Land Management | Mr Abdellah Laouina, Mohammed V University, Morocco
- Challenges and opportunities to scale up the application of sustainability guidelines and voluntary standards | Mr Simone Quatrini, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- The economics of soil erosion and benefits of sustainable land management in Asia and Africa | Mr Richard Thomas, ICARDA, Canada
- Economic Analysis of Soil Erosion Control in New Zealand: Robust Identification of Benefits, Costs and Investment Priorities at the National Level | Mr Frank Scrimgeour, University of Waikato, New Zealand
- A synergy between the biophysical and the economic: the global market impacts of soil erosion | Ms Martina Sartori, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Spain
- Mapping soil loss by water erosion in Argentina and analysis of its economic impact | Mr Juan J. Gaitán, Centro de Investigación de Recursos Naturales (CIRN), Argentina
- Economics of soil erosion in Ukraine | Mr Anatolii Kucher, National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O. N. Sokolovsky”, Ukraine
- Assessment of the Cost of Soil Erosion to Crop Production in Canada | Mr Nasem Badreldin, University of Manitoba, Canada
Side event
Side event
"Assessing Soil Erosion to Support Land Use Planning and the Achievement of SDG Target 15.3 on Land Degradation Neutrality"
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) | 16 May | 13:00 - 14:30 | King Faisal Room/D263, FAO HQ
Friday 17 May 2019
Presentation by Theme Chair to provide a summary of the main session outcomes and key messages
Presentation by Theme Chair to provide a summary of the main session outcomes and key messages
- Theme 1: Use of data and assessment tools in soil erosion control | Mr Nigussie Haregeweyn (Tottori University, Japan)
- Theme 2: Practices and Policy in action to address soil erosion | Ms Megan Balks (Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, New Zealand)
- Theme 3: The economics of soil erosion control and restoration of eroded land | Ms Rosa Poch (Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, Spain)
- Video contest award | Ms Giulia Stanco, Global Soil Partnership
- Conclusions and way forward | Mr Ronald Vargas, Global Soil Partnership Secretariat, FAO
Side event
Side event
"Combating erosion, mobilizing farmers"
Mobilizing farmers t spread the knowledge: combating erosion from farmer to farmer
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands | 17 May | 12:30 - 13:30 | King Faisal room/D263, FAO HQ