Research4Life offers new online course aimed to provide users with skills to access and use Research4Life and AGORA resources more effectively
7 Feb 2022
Research4Life is offering a new massive open online course (MOOC) to provide users the knowledge and skills to access and use Research4Life and AGORA resources more efficiently and effectively. This free course will be taught in English and will take place from 21 March to 4 April 2022.
The new MOOC comes on the heels of the launch of the new Research4Life and AGORA content portals. The new, updated content portals aim to greatly improve the overall user experience and improve users’ ability to access available resources.
DUring this course, participants will learn how to:
- Navigate the new content portal and discover discipline-specific content efficiently
- Use the bibliometric analysis tools such as Scopus, the Lens and Dimensions
- Prepare, publish and promote research
- Train peers to use Research4Life resources
Who can register?
The Research4Life MOOC update is intended for participants who have completed any of the Research4Life MOOC editions from 2019 through to May 2021. Those who are eligible will receive an email with the registration details. If you are a past participant and have not yet received an email, please contact us at [email protected]
What do you get out of this course?
The Research4Life MOOC update will ONLY cover the recently updated lessons and topics relevant to Research4Life programs. Participants of the course will be provided with a Certificate of Attendance after completing the exam at the end of the course. Those who pass the exam with at least 70% will receive a Certificate of Achievement and those who pass with a lower grade will receive a Certificate of Participation.
How much time does it take?
The course will run for 2 weeks, and participants are expected to spend an average of 6 to 8 hours per week to go through the course activities and complete the exam.
What’s included in the course?
Module 3: Discipline-specific browsing and searching discusses the Research4Life Unified Content Portal and the five Research4Life collections, including how to conduct discipline-specific searches, an introduction to Summon to search across all Research4Life resources and the bibliometric analysis tools Scopus, the Lens and Dimensions, which are available through Research4Life. Lessons included in this module are:
- Lesson 3.1: Research4Life Unified Content Portal
- Lesson 3.2: Search Across Research4Life Collections
- Lesson 3.3: Research Assessment Tools
Module 4: Additional discipline-specific resources in Health Sciences. Lessons included in this module are:
- Lesson 4.1.1: Health Sciences (Optional)
- Lesson 4.1.2: Evidenced Based Medicine (Optional)
Module 5: Dimensions of Research Output discusses how to disseminate research output, prepare a manuscript for publication, identify the appropriate journal, understand the scholarly publishing, and peer review processes and how to promote and monitor your research. Lessons included are:
- Lesson 5.1. Writing for research
- Lesson 5.2. Publishing a research article
Module 6: Advocate on Research4Life and facilitate capacity development teaches you how to design advocacy strategies to address decision-makers and upper management. It also guides you on how to train local groups on how to use Research4Life. Lessons included in this module are:
- Lesson 6.1: Research4Life Advocacy Toolkit
- Lesson 6.2: Training Your Audience on How to Use Research4Life
For further information, please contact us at [email protected]