AGRIS Empowers Agricultural Research Through a Workshop at Ministry of Agriculture in Cuba


The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), through its International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS), in coordination with the Directorate of Science, Technology, and Innovation from the Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) in Cuba, held a series of capacity-building initiatives aimed at its scientific centers regarding the application process to become a data provider center for AGRIS.

The workshop welcomed directors and editors from various research institutes across sectors such as livestock, fruit cultivation, plant health, and veterinary sciences. Their keen interest lies in actively integrating into this global network of agricultural knowledge.

This initial workshop is the first of many planned sessions and training programs within the ministry. Its overarching goal is to bolster the presence of Cuban data providers and foster seamless collaboration with AGRIS information resources.

Through these workshops, FAO underscores its commitment to advancing agricultural research and ensuring that Cuban expertise and insights are shared and accessible worldwide. As these workshops continue, they are poised to not only strengthen Cuba's position within the AGRIS network but also to catalyze impactful collaborations and discoveries in agricultural science and technology.