Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Amrita Bhoomi Peasant Agroecology Centre

Amrita Bhoomi is a peasant agroecology training centre. It was launched in 2013 by Indian farmers to find solutions to the agrarian and ecological crises in India. The centre is an established pioneer in the movement for seed sovereignty and food sovereignty, based on agroecological self-reliant farming and rural enterprises. Amrita Bhoomi is La Via Campesina’s agroecology school in South Asia.

Amrita Bhoomi is working to reverse trends of current agricultural model in India by carrying out trainings for farmers on Zero Budget Natural Farming – a local agroecological method that needs no external inputs, very low water, and relies on natures processes. It has a special focus on youth, and also carry out seed conservation and distribution and climate adaptation. Amrita Bhoomi’s mission is to create models of rural autonomy and self-respect.

Find more information about ZBNF here.

Location: Karnataka State, SW India
Year: 2020
Country/ies: India
Content language: English
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Type: Learning

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