"Agroecology for Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods for Climate Change Mitigation and Land Restoration in Drylands" (AVACLIM)
The Avaclim project (2020-2022) is funded by the Global Environment Facility and the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM) and is coordinated by CARI. The project aims to create the necessary conditions for the deployment of agroecology in arid areas. It seeks to enable stakeholders to develop, apply, and sustain agroecological approaches in drylands in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GGE) into the atmosphere and maintain the productivity of agro-ecosystems in support of food security, agricultural livelihoods indicators. Practitioners, farmers, and scientists are studying agroecological initiatives in seven countries: Burkina Faso, Senegal, Morocco, Ethiopia, South Africa, Brazil, and India to promote agroecology to the authorities of these countries and intergovernmental bodies.