Vijay Kumar: how poor rural women have shifted 800,000 farmers to natural farming in Andhra Pradesh, India
This podcast depicts the history of Women's Self Help Economic Groups and their role in moving an entire state into profitable agroecological farming--for health, biodiversity, and resilience.
This interview with Vijay Kumar shows and answers the question of how to scale up regenerative agriculture in the context of Andhra Pradesh, a state in Southeast India. This is the story of 20 years of indirect work: awakening the Community, Culture, and Consciousness necessary to create the fertile social and economic ground for a massive paradigm shift in farming. A shift that is not just theoretical, but that is rapidly transforming an entire region.
The Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming movement is spreading rapidly throughout the state, currently involving over 800,000 farmers, and also inspiring other states in India and other parts of the world.