Plateforme des connaissances sur l'agroécologie

Lume: a method for the economic-ecological analysis of agroecosystems

A new publication by ASPTA (Brazil) and Coventry University presents the Lume: a method for economic-ecological analysis of agroecosystems. This tool is an important contribution to fill the gap of instruments and methodologies to assess agroecology performance studying the interaction between economic and ecological analysis. 

The book highlights how the systematic use of the Lume method by different institutions, in different socio-environmental contexts and for different purposes, has revealed its versatility as an instrument for promoting agroecology. It reflects that for those involved (e.g. family farmers, indigenous people, etc.), agroecology represents an emancipatory movement aimed at radically improving their own modes of production and livelihoods.

The publication of the Lume method will enable a wide audience interested in agroecology - not only researchers, the academic sector, or public agents, but especially producers and practitioners – to have a robust instrument to generate evidence on the performance of agroecological experiences. This will contribute to the discussions on the benefits and the challenges agroecology faces to be recognized as a valid way to transform the current food system towards a more sustainable one.

Volume: Reclaiming Diversity and Citizenship Series
Année: 2020
Pays: Brazil
Langue: English
Author: Paulo Petersen, Luciano Silveira, Gabriel Bianconi Fernandes and Silvio Gomes de Almeida ,
Type: Livre
Organization: AS-PTA & Coventry University
