Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition

07/11/2018 - 

Madrid (Spain). Despite the efforts done in last years, the number of undernourished people increased to 821 million in 2017, while overweight and obesity went up in almost every region in the world. In order to meet the pledge of the Agenda 2030 and achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 2 of Zero Hunger, the fight against hunger and malnutrition must be a political priority.

Working towards this objective, the Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition took place las 29-30 of October in Madrid, Spain. The Summit was a joint initiative of the Spanish Parliament, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, FAO and the Latin America and the Caribbean Parliamentary Front against Hunger. It brought together more than 200 parliamentarians from 80 countries with the objective of advancing the political will to achieve Zero Hunger by highlighting the role that legislative bodies play in working towards a hunger-free world, identifying and sharing fundamental experiences, legislation and good practices to fight hunger and malnutrition and building a network of parliamentary alliances.

Achieving the necessary transformation of our food and agricultural systems will require working with farmers, fisherfolk, pastoralist, smallholders, academia, governments and civil society to produce nutritious, healthy and affordable food for all in a sustainable, fair and equitable manner. Agroecology, which aims at delivering contextualized solutions to local problems based on co-creation of knowledge and practices, was thus highlighted several times by parliamentarians as a priority in the path towards Zero Hunger. The focus on social and economic dimensions of sustainable food production, as well as the rights of women and youth, were noted as fundamental aspects to bring a hunger free world ever closer.

To find out more about the Global Parliamentary Summit, please visit the page here.

The final declaration Call for action to achieve Zero Hunger and ensure the right to adequate food for all can be downloaded here.

To know more about parliamentary alliances against hunger, you can read the following publications:

  • Parliamentary alliances against hunger and malnutrition (Download)
  • 10 contributions parliamentarians can make towards achieving “Zero Hunger” (Download)
  • Parliamentary fronts against hunger, and legislative initiatives for the right to adequate food and nutrition (Download)