All concepts are archived in this page. If your institution wishes to propose a concept, please let us know!


FAO/Salvator Ndabirorere

Soil erosion is a global phenomenon that is exacerbated by intensive agriculture and reinforce the small-scale soil heterogeneity. While reduced soil fertility and yield losses are the consequences on eroded areas, a nutrient-rich colluvium is often found in the accumulation areas.

  • Beer

    Beer is one of the ancient beverage known today the first mentions of which is ten thousand years old. After...

  • Conservation agriculture

    Conservation agriculture is considered as an environmentally friendly production system. It stops the degradation of the soil which is the...

  • Livestock feed

    The production of high quality livestock feed is a growing demand of small farmers and one of the objectives of...

  • Food systems

    Motivation: A sustainable food system is one that delivers food security and nutrition for all in such a way that...

  • Agrosilvopastoral systems

    Motivation: Sustainable production strategy that integrates agriculture, livestock and forestry within the same area, to obtain results which are synergic...