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Agrosilvopastoral systems

Embrapa/FARIA/Gabriel Rezende

Motivation: Sustainable production strategy that integrates agriculture, livestock and forestry within the same area, to obtain results which are synergic, environmentally adequate and economically viable. In Brazil, this strategy is fostered by a public policy—National Policy for Integrated crop-livestock-forestry—and part of Embrapa’s official RD&I portfolio.

  • Sustainable agriculture

    Sustainable agriculture with its three components: economic (production viability to meet the growing needs for food of present and future...

  • Seed health

    The safe conservation and exchange of germplasm requires seeds free of pests and diseases that are of quarantine risk. Seed...

  • Agrobiodiversity

    Agricultural biodiversity is a broad term that includes all components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture, and...

  • Functional foods

    Functional foods containing significant levels of biologically active components which provide desirable health benefits beyond basic nutrition. These are especially...

  • Colluvium

    Soil erosion is a global phenomenon that is exacerbated by intensive agriculture and reinforce the small-scale soil heterogeneity. While reduced...