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Agrosilvopastoral systems

Embrapa/FARIA/Gabriel Rezende

Motivation: Sustainable production strategy that integrates agriculture, livestock and forestry within the same area, to obtain results which are synergic, environmentally adequate and economically viable. In Brazil, this strategy is fostered by a public policy—National Policy for Integrated crop-livestock-forestry—and part of Embrapa’s official RD&I portfolio.

  • Food systems

    Motivation: A sustainable food system is one that delivers food security and nutrition for all in such a way that...

  • Carbon sequestration

    Motivation: Soils are important carbon stores. The release of greenhouse gases in the soil, particularly through agricultural activities, has consequences...

  • Apiculture

    Motivation: The vernal, or spring, equinox signals the beginning of nature's renewal. It is also the time of year when...

  • Vaccination

    Motivation: Human history proves that before the development of vaccines epidemics have mercilessly killed millions of people and livestock. It...

  • Tillage

    Motivation: The month of March is the right time for cultivating and preparing the land for planting and sowing crops...