The BonaRes Centre for Soil Research ( BonaRes )
The central motivation of the BonaRes Centre is the transfer of existing and newly generated knowledge about soil functions into scientifically based decision support tools for soil management in the context of a sustainable bioeconomy. In future, it should be possible to make decisions on soil management options based on current scientific knowledge. This should protect soils with their diverse functions and steer their sustainable use as a bio-economic production factor.
LANGUAGE(S) MANAGED: German , English
Related Activities

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An interview with Carsten Hoffmann, research assistant at BonaRes Centre and one of the German AGROVOC editors Carsten Hoffmann made his PhD thesis...
AGROVOC Webinar: Community of practice: Integration of AGROVOC functionalities into the BonaRES repository
As part of the 3rd AGROVOC Editorial Community Workshop, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Carsten...
Authors: Carsten Hoffmann