
The Land Portal Foundation was established to create, curate and disseminate land governance information by fostering an inclusive and accessible data ecosystem. Over the last decade, the portal has evolved from a simple information gateway to become a knowledge broker, a resource base, a vibrant online community of users and a trusted voice within global land governance. The Land Portal works to improve discoverability of land-related data and information by making use of Linked Open Data and Semantic technologies. The AGROVOC concept scheme relating to Land Governance is called LandVoc and is stewarded by the Land Portal Foundation. Since 2012 the Land Portal Foundation has been working to create Land Voc, enrich it with multiple concepts and terms related to land governance and make it available in a several languages. In 2020 the Land Portal established a community of experts to support the ongoing development of the LandVoc concept scheme, and to support ongoing contributions from the land governance community to AGROVOC.

Land Governance


COUNTRY: International

LANGUAGE(S) MANAGED: English , French , Spanish; Castilian , Portuguese , Thai , Swahili , Italian , Arabic

Related Activities


In recent weeks, AGROVOC welcomed several new organizations. New contributors from Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) in Brazil...


As part of the 3rd AGROVOC Editorial Community Workshop, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Laura...

Authors: Laura Meggiolaro


The Land Portal Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to build and strengthen an information ecosystem for land governance that...


The Land Portal Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mission to build and strengthen an information ecosystem for land governance that...


On behalf of The Land Portal: It is said that the languages which we speak changes our thoughts and the way we think. What is more, is that new...

Concept of the month
Gender equity in access to land
March 2022

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The role of metadata and open data in the innovation cycle of land administration

The longstanding collaboration between the Land Portal and FAO on AGROVOC continues with the co-publication around the purpose and use of LandVoc...

AGROVOC: Kitovu-kiunganishi cha dhana-data kuhusu chakula na kilimo

Brosha hii inakuletea AGROVOC, kiungo chenye msamiati uliodhibitiwa na pia thesauri inayozingatia mawanda yote ya kazi ya shirika la FAO...