Technical University of Moldova ( TUM )
Technical University of Moldova (TUM) is the accredited higher technical educational institution in the Republic of Moldova. TUM was established in 1964 and currently comprises 12 faculties, covering the needs of the national economy in preparing specialists in engineering, agriculture and veterinary medicine. At present, the Technical University of Moldova has a contingent of about 12 000 students.
LANGUAGE(S) MANAGED: Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan
Related Activities
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Second edition of the online Round Table on the role of AGROVOC in the agricultural information ecosystem
“How can we work together to integrate national agricultural information in the global information space?”
WATCH: Partnering with FAO to Highlight Benefits and Challenges of Accessing Scientific Research, Publications and Data while Developing a new Networks of Contacts
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The State Agrarian University of Moldova to Host Two Events Focusing on AGRIS and AGROVOC in 2020
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AGROVOC Community of Editors: Moldova
The Republican Scientific Agricultural Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova (RSAL SAUM), a university library and national information...
Liniile directoare editoriale AGROVOC 2020
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AGROVOC : Centrul conceptelor de date interconectate pentru alimentaţie şi agricultură
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