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почвозащитное и ресурсосберегающее земледелие

FAO/Olympia de Maismontl

Почвозащитное и ресурсосберегающее земледелие рассматривается как экологически безопасная система сельскохозяйственного производства. Она останавливает деградацию почвы, что является залогом обеспечения продовольственной безопасности в странах мира.

  • Hive management

    Hive management, monitoring and responding to the needs of beehives in relation to the time of year and local climate...

  • Sustainable agriculture

    Sustainable agriculture with its three components: economic (production viability to meet the growing needs for food of present and future...

  • Seed health

    The safe conservation and exchange of germplasm requires seeds free of pests and diseases that are of quarantine risk. Seed...

  • Agrobiodiversity

    Agricultural biodiversity is a broad term that includes all components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture, and...

  • Functional foods

    Functional foods containing significant levels of biologically active components which provide desirable health benefits beyond basic nutrition. These are especially...