مقاومة الميكروبات للأدوية

جدول الأحداث الإعلامية

الحكومات تصعد من إجراءاتها لمعالجة مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات

قال تقرير مشترك صدر اليوم عن منظمة الأغذية والزراعة للأمم المتحدة (الفاو) والمنظمة العالمية لصحة الحيوان ومنظمة الصحة العالمية، إن الحكومات حول العالم تتخذ خطوات هامة لمعالجة مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات، إلاّ أنه ما تزال هناك فجوات خطيرة تتطلب إجراءات عاجلة. [...]

First stakeholders meeting of NBAP and NBT held in Delhi

The first stakeholders Meeting was held to discuss the operational issues and next steps for the project [...]

Expert Meeting Reports Now Available on Antimicrobial Resistance and the Environment, Biocides, and Foods of Plant Origin

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is pleased to share new summary reports on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) expert meetings held last year, addressing critical issues in the fight against superbugs. World experts gathered in Rome for [...]

المدير العام للفاو يدعو إلى وقف استخدام الأدوية المضادة للميكروبات لتعزيز نمو حيوانات المزارع

غرازيانو دا سيلفا يقول إن الدول والمجتمعات الريفية تحتاج إلى الدعم لمكافحة مقاومة مضادات الميكروبات

تعزيز الشراكة الدولية لمعالجة المخاطر على صحة الإنسان والحيوان والبيئة

الفاو ومنظمة الصحة العالمية والمنظمة العالمية لصحة الحيوان يوقعان اتفاقية لتعزيز تعاونهما

FAO regional training aims to improve access to new tool for assessment of laboratories and AMR surveillance systems

Life saving medicines fail when bacteria become resistant to them, so countries are racing to battle these ‘bad bugs’ through improved surveillance systems to protect animals, people and livelihoods.

Ghana launches its AMR Policy and National Action Plan

The government of Ghana in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the World organization for Animal health (OIE) has launched Ghana’s Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) policy and its National [...]

Intensifying food systems and health - Emphasis on AMR in agricultural systems

An important meeting was organised by ILRI in coordination with ICAR, CGIAR, IDRC/CRDI to strengthen long-term partnerships of regional relevance, grounded on joint-work, between the CGIAR, Indian and other Asian lead institutes working on agriculture and health [...]

FAO and WHO meet with the Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) welcomed the Interagency Coordination Group (IACG) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) delegate at the Green One UN House in Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Dame Sally Claire [...]

FAO facilitates first meeting of Advisory Board of Indian Network for Fisheries and Animals Antimicrobial Resistance (INFAAR)

In consonance with the National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the Indian Council for Agriculture Research (ICAR) forged a network of its leading laboratories to undertake surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage. The network was named as Indian [...]

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