APHCA Activities
APHCA's strategy for achieving its mission is founded on the principles of collective self-reliance and mutual assistance between the developing countries and the Commissions main activities relate to the facilitation of information exchange and coordination.
Based on the available funds, the Commission prepares a work programme at its annual session intended to support sustainable improvements in rural livestock agriculture and resource use by means of disease control, improved services and inputs, enhanced organizational efficiency, diversification of farm production, value-chain development, and other initiatives.
Some examples of specific programmes supported by APHCA are:
- In 1987, Control and eradication of major diseases, which hamper livestock and poultry production in the Region. As an example, APHCA convened the first preparatory meeting for South Asia Rinderpest Eradication Campaign (SAREC) in New Delhi
- Development of the rural economy through increased milk production by small-scale farmers. In this respect APHCA is currently supporting the implementation of a smallholder dairy development programme in Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand.
- Increase efficiency of livestock feed resource use through better utilization of farm by-products, recycling of crop and animal wastes and by development of new sources of feeds which reduce dependence on human foodstuffs. To this end APHCA convened an international workshop on feeds and feeding of livestock and poultry and feed composition, data documentation and feeding systems in Asia, the Far East and South-West Pacific.
The implementation of these programmes is based on an exchange of experience, expertise, technology and information, common discussion through seminars and workshops to identify problems and find solutions, and inter-country training and visits to stimulate development activities at national levels.
In addition to reaching practical goals, APHCA has built a fund of good will and a reputation for performance with the other United Nations agencies and international organizations, developed countries and development actors which seek to support programmes for rural development based on small farmer livestock production. APHCA's performance has further earned it a reputation as advocacy body for regional livestock policy makers and industry stakeholders.
IGO Relations Links with:
- Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) (our ref D3559);
- International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) (our ref E2297);
- OIE - World Organisation for Animal Health (our ref E2295).