APHCA ExCom Meeting 2023
Virtual Event, 22/03/2023
The establishment of the Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and the Pacific within the framework of the FAO was initiated by Asian nations at the 5th FAO Regional Conference on Animal Production in 1974. The Commission became operational in December 1975 and today has 18 member countries. It supports sustainable improvement in rural livestock agriculture and resource use through information sharing, disease control, enhanced organizational efficiency, the diversification of farm production, value-chain development and other initiatives. APHCA works on the principle of collective self-reliance and mutual assistance among developing countries.
Each year, APHCA will support a nominated APHCA member country to host APHCA Executive Committee (ExCom) and APHCA business workshop to review annual APHCA activities. For this year, 82nd APHCA Executive committee will be held on 22 March 2023 in virtual meeting.