Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA)

Join us

Join ASFA partnership
There are different pathways for joining ASFA, open to both individuals and contributors. If you are an author, editor, publisher or manager of aquatic science research and interested in contributing to ASFA please contact the Secretariat.

OpenASFA Contributor

Research can be added to OpenASFA either through manual input or harvesting. The ASFA Secretariat is happy to discuss your needs and requirements, providing training or technical assistance so that your research can be added to OpenASFA. No formal agreement is needed for this and contributions can be on an ongoing or one of basis.

ASFA Associate

An institution can join the ASFA Partnership as an Associate. No formal agreement is signed however new associates must be first approved by the ASFA Secretariat and publisher ProQuest. Associates are given complimentary access to the full ASFA database, hosted on ProQuest, as well as training and support to effectively contribute to OpenASFA. Associate membership lasts for two years and is designed to act as a feeder to becoming a full ASFA Partner. Associate membership is open to institutions from any country, regardless of whether an ASFA National partner already exists. However, in the case that a National ASFA Partner already exists, a new Associate from that country must be approved by that National Partner.

ASFA Partner

In order to join as an ASFA Partner, an institution signs a formal agreement agreeing to fulfil certain responsibilities in return for entitlements such as free access to the full ASFA database on ProQuest. ASFA Partners are members of the ASFA Advisory Board which helps guide the future direction of ASFA, deciding on policy and technical matters.


For further information, please email: [email protected]

Contact us

For enquiries on ASFA, please email: [email protected]

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