
e-Agriculture Stakeholders Consultation

03/03/2015-05/03/2015 Bangkok, Thailand



The Stakeholder workshop aims to:

  • Present Asia-Pacific examples in e-Agriculture, especially the experience in Sri Lanka
  • Discuss and finalize the e-Agriculture Strategy Guide; and to
  • Discuss recommendations and identify opportunities for testing the toolkit in some pilot countries.
  • The workshop will create a platform to facilitate a dialogue among various stakeholders, policy makers and ministries of agriculture, ICT and telcos in the region on the implementation and adoption of e-Agriculture services.
  • To promote the knowledge sharing, and exchange current practices and public policies regarding e-Agriculture services;

The workshop will ensure that the content of the strategy guide takes into account major factors and current issues relating to agricultural and ICT development, as well as national e-strategy development in the target countries.

Concept note


Closing remarks

Final report