List of Documents | Download | ID |
PC 106/1 | Provisional Agenda | 
| K9998E/ Rev.1 |
PC 106/2 | Corporate Strategy on Capacity Development | 
| MA251E |
PC 106/3 | Sustainable Animal Health and Contained Animal-Related Human Health Risks - in Support of the Emerging One-Health agenda | 
| MA145E |
PC 106/4 | Evaluation of FAO Interventions funded by the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) |  | MA122E |
PC 106/4 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO Interventions funded by the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) - Management Response | 
| MA216E |
PC 106/5 - FC 138/22 | Evaluation of FAO's Regional and Subregional Offices for the Near East | 
| MA144E |
PC 106/5 - FC 138/22 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO's Regional and Subregional Offices for the Near East - Management Response | 
| MA249E |
PC 106/6 | FAO's effectiveness at country level: a synthesis of evaluations in large, rapidly-developing countries (India and Brazil) | 
| MA114E |
PC 106/6 Sup.1 | FAO's effectiveness at country level: a synthesis of evaluations in large, rapidly-developing countries (India and Brazil) - Management Response | 
| MA252E |
PC 106/7 – FC 138/6 | Mid-term Review synthesis report – 2010 | 
| MA403E |
PC 106/8 | Access to TCP on a grant basis: eligibility criterion | 
| MA314E |
PC 106/9 | Report of progress on the Multi-year Programme of Work of the Committee | 
| MA578E |
PC 106/10 | Appointment of the Director of Evaluation | 
| MA602E |
PC 106/INF - Series |
PC 106/INF/1 | Provisional Timetable | 
| MA377E |
PC 106/INF/2 | Provisional List of Documents | 
| MA155E |
PC 106/INF/3 | Progress Report on Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations | 
| MA511E |
C 2011 - Series |
C 2011/3 | Medium Term Plan 2010-13 (Reviewed) and Programme of Work and Budget 2012-13 | 
| MA061E |
| Web Annexes: - Annex XIII: List of Scheduled Sessions
- Annex XIV: Reviewed Results Frameworks

| MA061/ Add.1E |
CL 141 - Series |
CL 141/15 | Vision for the structure and functioning of Decentralized Offices | 
| MA546E |
CL 141/INF/10 | Towards more Coherent United Nations System Support to Africa - JIU/REP/2009/5 |
| MA401E |
CL 141/INF/13 | The Role of the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General and Resident Coordinators - JIU/REP/2009/9 | 
| MA402E |
JM 2011.1/1 | Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting | 
| K9999E |
JM 2011.1/3 | Resource mobilization and management strategy | 
| MA224E |
JM 2011.1/4 | FAO strategy on partnerships with the private sector | 
| MA561E |
JM 2011.1/5 | Progress on implementation of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) | 
| MA253E |
JM 2011.1/ Information Note | Additional Information on Delegation of HR Management, Financial Management and Procurement from Headquarters to Decentralized Offices | 
| MA658E |