115th Session


Programme Committee

115th Session
Rome, 26-30 May 2014

Documents will be posted as soon as available

PC 115/1

Provisional Agenda


PC 115/2-
FC 154/9

Progress on the Medium Term Plan 2014-17: results framework, regional priorities and budgetary adjustments from work planning and efficiencies

  • Web Annex 1: Results framework - MTP 2014-17 and PWB 2014-15 (updated May 2014)
  • Web Annex 2: Output indicators and targets (updated May 2014)


PC 115/3

Evaluation of FAO’s Regional and Subregional Offices for Asia and the Pacific


PC 115/3 Sup.1

Evaluation of FAO’s Regional and Subregional Offices for Asia and the Pacific - Management Response


PC 115/4

Evaluation of FAO’s Regional and Subregional Offices for Latin America and the Caribbean


PC 115/4 Sup.1

Evaluation of FAO’s Regional and Subregional Offices for Latin America and the Caribbean - Management Response


PC 115/5

Evaluation of FAO’s role in support of crop production


PC 115/5 Sup.1

Evaluation of FAO’s role in support of crop production - Management Response


PC 115/6

Follow-up on the Evaluation of FAO's work in tenure, rights and access to land and other natural resources


PC 115/7

Follow-up on the Evaluation of FAO's role and work in food and agriculture policy


PC 115/8

Follow-up on the Evaluation of FAO's response to the 2010 floods in Pakistan


C 2015/8

Programme Implementation Report 2012-13


PC 115/INF/1

Provisional Timetable


PC 115/INF/2

Provisional List of documents


JM 2014.1/1

Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting


All Sessions

2024: PC 138
2023: PC 137; PC 136PC 135
2022: PC 134PC 133
2021: PC 132; PC 131; PC 130
2020: PC 129; PC 128
2019: PC 127; PC 126
2018: PC 125; PC 124
2017: PC 122PC 121
2016: PC 120; PC 119
2015: PC 118; PC 117
2014: PC 116; PC 115
2013: PC 114; PC 113
2012: PC 112; PC 111; PC 110
2011: PC 109; PC 108; PC 107; PC 106; PC 105
2010: PC 104; PC 103
2009: PC 102; PC 101
2008: PC 100; PC 99
2007: PC 98; PC 97
2006: PC 96; PC 95
2005: PC 94; PC 93
2004: PC 92; PC 91
2003: PC 90; PC 89
2002: PC 88; PC 87
2001: PC 86; PC 85
2000: PC 84; PC 83
1999: PC 82; PC 81