PC 112/1 | Provisional Agenda | ME584e |
PC 112/2 | Strategy and vision for FAO’s work in nutrition | ME902e |
PC 112/3 | Strategic evaluation of FAO’s role and work in forestry
Addendum | ME219e |
PC 112/3 Sup.1 | Strategic evaluation of FAO’s role and work in forestry - Management Response | ME219e/ Sup.1 |
PC 112/4 | Evaluation of FAO’s support to the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Addendum | ME173e |
PC 112/4 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO’s support to the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries - Management Response | ME173e/ Sup.1 |
PC 112/5 | Follow-up to the Strategic Evaluation of FAO country programming | ME868e |
PC 112/6 | Peer review of Evaluation function of FAO
Addendum | ME381e |
PC 112/6 Sup.1 | Peer review of Evaluation function of FAO - Management observations | ME381e/ Sup.1 |
PC 112/7 | Update on the indicative rolling work plan of strategic and programme evaluation 2012‑2014 | ME688e |
PC 112/8 | Report on implementation of the Council decision on funding of Evaluation in extrabudgetary activities | ME715e |
PC 112/9 | Review of Article XIV Bodies | MF065e |
PC 112/INF/1 | Provisional Timetable | MF099e |
PC 112/INF/2 | Provisional List of Documents | ME874e |
PC 112/INF/3 | Follow-up the Evaluation of FAO’s activities on capacity development in Africa
Addendum | ME824e |
PC 112/INF/3 Sup.1 | Follow-up the Evaluation of FAO’s activities on capacity development in Africa - Validation Report | ME824e/ Sup.1 |
PC 112/INF/4 | Evaluation of FAO’s work in tenure, rights and access to land and other natural resources – update on implementation of recommendations | MF008e |
C 2013/8 | Programme Implementation Report 2010-11
Corrigendum 1
Corrigendum 2 | MD692e |
| Web Annex | MD692e/ Add.1 |
CL 145/3 | Transformational changes in the 2012-13 biennium
Corrigendum | ME906e |
CL 145/4 | Reviewed Strategic Framework and outline of the Medium Term Plan 2014-17
Corrigendum | ME999e |
CL 145/8 | Enhancement of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) | MF113e |
CL 145/10 | Progress Report on the Immediate Plan of Action Implementation | MF032e |
CL 145/INF/11 | South-South and triangular cooperation in the United Nations system (JIU/REP/2011/3) | ME745e |
JM 2012.3/1 | Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting | ME585e |
JM 2012.3/2 | FAO strategy for partnerships with the private sector | ME894e |
JM 2012.3/3 | FAO strategy for partnerships with civil society | ME943e |