List of Documents | Download | ID |
PC 108/1 | Provisional Agenda |
| MB796 Rev.1E |
PC 108/2 | Country Programming Guidelines |
| MC218E |
PC 108/3 | Applying lessons learned from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the prevention and containment of major animal diseases and related human health risks – Supplementary information |
| MB873E |
PC 108/4 | Indicative rolling work plan of strategic and programme evaluation 2012-2014 |
| MB798E |
PC 108/5 | Evaluation of FAO’s role and work related to gender and development |
| MB469E |
PC 108/5 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO’s role and work related to gender and development - Management Response |
| MB469 Sup.1E |
| FAO Gender Audit Executive Summary |
| MC027E |
C 2011/INF/16 | FAO Gender Audit Status Report |
| MA968E/R1 |
PC 108/6 | Evaluation of FAO's role and work in nutrition |
| MB663E |
PC 108/6 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO’s role and work in nutrition - Management Response |
| MB663 Sup.1/E |
PC 108/7 | Funding of Evaluations – Implementation of Council decisions |
| MB832E |
PC 108/8 | Follow-up to the Evaluation of FAO's Work on International Instruments |
| MB959E |
PC 108/9 | Access to TCP on a grant basis: eligibility criterion |
| MB749E |
PC 108/10 | Preliminary Review of Statutory Bodies with Particular Reference to Article XIV Bodies and their Relationship with FAO |
| MC045E |
PC 108/INF - Series |
PC 108/INF/1 | Provisional Timetable |
| MC158E |
PC 108/INF/2 | Provisional List of Documents |
| MB983 Rev.1E |
PC 108/INF/3 | Report of progress on the Multi-year Programme of Work of the Committee |
| MB815E |
PC 108/INF/4 | Progress Report on Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations |
| MC089E |
JM 2011.2/1 | Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting |
| MB797E |
JM 2011.2/3 | Vision for the structure and functioning of Decentralized Offices - Follow-up on short-term actions to address the gaps, challenges, risks and issues related to decentralization |
| MC046E |
JM 2011.2/4 | Resource mobilization and management strategy |
| MC062E |
JM 2011.2/5 | Progress report on the FAO strategy on partnerships with the private sector |
| MC010E |
JM 2011.2/6 | Progress on implementation of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) |
| MB874E |