110th Session
Programme Committee110th Session
Rome, 7 - 11 May 2012 | Documents will be posted as soon as available |
List of Documents | Download | ID | PC 110/1 | Provisional Agenda | 
| MD191E | | Corrigendum | 
| MD191E Corr.1 | PC 110/2 | Progress Report on the Action Plan for the prevention and containment of major animal diseases and related human health risks | 
| MD636E | PC 110/3 | Strategy and vision for FAO’s work in nutrition (Outline) | 
| MD804E | PC 110/4 | Evaluation of FAO’s work in tenure, rights and access to land and other natural resources | 

| MC957E | PC 110/4 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO’s work in tenure, rights and access to land and other natural resources - Management Response | 
| MC957E Sup.1 | PC 110/5 | Evaluation of FAO’s role and work in food and agriculture policy | 

| MC983E | PC 110/5 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO’s role and work in food and agriculture policy - Management Response | 
| MC983E Sup.1 | PC 110/6 | Evaluation of FAO’s response to the July 2010 floods in Pakistan | 

| MC985E | PC 110/6 Sup.1 | Evaluation of FAO’s response to the July 2010 floods in Pakistan - Management Response | 
| MC985E Sup.1 | PC 110/7 | FAO’s effectiveness at country level: A synthesis of evaluations in countries with major emergency and rehabilitation programmes (Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Haiti) | 
| MD469E | PC 110/8 | Follow-up to the Evaluation of FAO's role and work related to water | 

| MD330E Add.1/ Sup.1 | PC 110/9 | Appointment of the Director of Evaluation | 
| MD815E | PC 110/INF - Series |
| PC 110/INF/1 | Provisional Timetable | 
| MD638E | PC 110/INF/2 | Provisional List of Documents | 
| MD386E | PC 110/INF/3 | Multi-year Programme of Work of the Committee | 
| MD687E | CL 144 - Series | CL 144/10 | Immediate Plan of Action – IPA annual report for 2011 and direction for 2012 | 
| MD535E | | Web Annex | 
| | JOINT MEETING | JM 2012.1/1 | Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting | 
| MD193E | JM 2012.1/2 | Progress on implementation of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) | 
| MD690E | JM 2012.1/3 | Proclamation and implementation of International Years | 
| MD423E |