111th (Special) Session
Programme Committee111th (Special) SessionRome, 31 May - 1 June 2012 | Documents will be posted as soon as available |
List of Documents | Download | ID | JOINT MEETING | | | JM 2012.2/1 | Provisional Agenda | 
| MD368E | JM 2012.2/INF/1 | Provisional Timetable | 
| MD860E | C 2013 - Series |
| C 2013/8 | Programme Implementation Report 2010-11
Corrigendum | 

| MD692E | | Web Annex | 
| MD692E Add.1 | CL 144 - Series | CL 144/3 | Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2012-13 | 
| MD918E | | Web Annex | 
| | CL 144/14 | Outline of the Reviewed Strategic Framework
Corrigendum (English only) | 

| MD881E | | Web Annexes (English only) | 

| | CL 144/15 | Structure and functioning of Decentralized Offices
Corrigendum (English only) | 

| MD901E | | Web Annexes (English only) | 

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