FAO in China


The fourth Viet Nam and China Bilateral Meeting on Collaboration to Address Transboundary Animal Diseases "Safer trade of animals and animal products across Vietnam- China Border" was held in Hanoi, Viet Nam from 26-27 January 2016. The meeting was convened on the basis of the a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)...
The Fifth Annual Consultation Meeting (ACM) on FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme was held between the Government of China and FAO in Changsha on 26 January 2016. The meeting confirmed that the SSC is seen as a valuable instrument for implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as a complementary...
A consultation workshop in support of the formulation of Country Programming Framework for China (2016-2020) was jointly convened by Ministry of Agriculture of China and the FAO Representation in the country on December 18, 2015, with active participation of officials and specialists from various agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture,...
Countries in Asia and the Pacific will increasingly need to apply climate smart agriculture (CSA) approaches as climate change threatens their future food security, a regional workshop supported by FAO heard today. Bangkok, Thailand - More than 20 countries from the Asia-Pacific region, together with development partners, international organizations and CSOs,...
Focus on knowledge exchanges for sustainable agriculture, value chains Rome - China and FAO today signed a $50 million agreement to support developing countries in building sustainable food systems and inclusive agricultural value chains, recognizing the growing importance of collaboration between Southern countries in the fight against extreme hunger and poverty. China's...