The CPF reviews existing Chinese Government priorities vis-à-vis past and ongoing FAO interventions to identify the gaps in and future potential for FAO assistance. The CPF provides a framework mechanism and evaluation modality for both the Government of China and the FAO to build on their successful working relationship to date and to further develop and harness this cooperative effort to ensure that the Chinese agricultural sector reaps the maximum potential benefits from this cooperative relationship.
This regional overview has been prepared to take stock of the current food security situation, present the challenges of ensuring food security in the context of growing and changing patterns of food demand, and propose key measures that must be taken in a coordinated manner by different stakeholders in this very dynamic and populous part of the world.
The People’s Republic of China has been actively involved in and largely contributed to FAO South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme since its launch in 1996. Its achievements were highly praised by FAO and the host countries’ governments. China has become the major participator, supporter and promoter of the SSC Programme.
Deterioration of water quality is considered a key constraint to future economic development and social progress in China, and agriculture is known to be a major source of pollution. Agricultural systems in China have expanded and intensified to meet increasing food demand related to population growth and changes in diet.